
All Members & Visitors:
Wisconsin state law requires everyone who enters Camp Delton, regardless of whether you are planning a short visit or a long-term stay, must first sign-in at the office. These laws apply:

Wisconsin state law and local rules and regulations require that anyone who enters Camp Delton must sign-in at the office. These laws apply regardless of whether you plan to stay long-term or are just here for a short visit.

When the office is closed, visitors have the following options:

During the camping season - use your pass key or call the lodge when you arrive at the gate. Stop by the office and sign in. Wisconsin law allows you 24 hours to sign-in.

During the off-season - members can sign-in at the gate when the office is closed.

On other occasions, members are reminded they must sign-in within 24 hours of their arrival.

Recently we were challenged that the requirement of having to sign in is not a Wisconsin state law. The law only applies to, and we quote: CAMPGROUND REGISTER. The operator shall maintain a written or electronic campground register that contains the name of each principal campsite occupant, this person's contact information, the person's arrival and departure dates, and the number of campers in the person's party. The campground register shall be available to any authorized employee or agent of the department who, in carrying out his or her duties, asks to inspect the register. The operator shall keep the campground register for at least one year after the principal campsite occupant's date of departure from a campsite.

When we asked about guest and worker, the chairperson for the Wisconsin campground chapter said it is a local requirement or part of our rules and regulations. Our rules state: All members and guests must sign in when entering Camp Delton Club.

Local village of Lake Delton statue states that we must comply with the Wisconsin status

Updated on July 17, 2016

If you plan to go out, remember to take your gate card. If you return to camp after 10 pm without your card, be prepared to walk to your site.

Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at the pool and in the Lodge.

This is a family facility, please watch your language and behavior; .

Drink responsibly or be prepare for a visit by the Lake Delton Police.


Clean your site by second Saturday in June
Our rules and regulations require that all leaves and yard debris be cleaned up by second Saturday in June (updated on July 20, 2019). Please remove garbage, rake leaves, and remember to wash all sides of your camper or park model.

Trailers are to be maintained and cleaned so as to avoid a build-up of moss or mildew on the siding. Many trailers and add-a-rooms have been neglected and are covered (especially on the north side) with a green mossy build-up. Many other trailers and add-a-rooms have dirt streaks and stains running down the sides from a build-up of debris on the roof.

It is the member's responsibility to perform these maintenance tasks on their property. If you are unable to clean up your site by second Saurday in June, please call the office. We'll have names of people who will cleanup your site for a fee.

We have been lax in the enforcement of these guidelines and it shows. Over the next couple of months, notices will be given to sites failing to meet these responsibilities. Again, if you have any questions about this requirement, please refer to the rules and regulations that you, as a member signed; and/or inquire at the office or speak with a board member.

* For more information, please see - Camp Delton Club, inc Rules & Regulations Revised (July 20, 2019) Section 3 - Rules and regulations relating to the structures.

Updated Sept 5, 2019

Campsite Membership Signs

The Lake Delton Fire Department requires all official membership signs be reflective metal and mounted outside on a post or structure adjacent to the road and in a clearly visible manner.  It should not be bocked by parked cars or trees or bushes. This has been relayed to the membership at board meetings and through newsletters, yet many of these signs are the old wooden signs, remain inside trailer windows or not mounted at all. This is a safety issue and one taken very seriously by our local fire department and emergency responders.


Any site failing to meet this requirement will have the sign mounted appropriately by the grounds crew and the member will receive an invoice for any materials or labor used. If you are missing a sign or have any questions about this requirement, please inquire at the office or speak with a board member.

posted on Sept 5, 2019


Village of Lake Delton Links, etc..


LDBrdMeetThe Village of Lake Delton requires approval from Camp Delton Club before they will issue their building permit.

If you plan to make any changes to your site, such as build a deck or shed, please fill out a “Yellow Buildings & Grounds Form” and submit it to the Camp Delton Club office. It usually only takes a few days to approve on our end, but you will need to submit your approved Camp Delton form with your Building Permit Application to the Village of Lake Delton. The sooner you get this process started, the sooner you will be able to start your project!




updated on August 20, 2016 -

CHAPTER 69 - TRAILERS AND CAMPGROUNDS | Link disabled by village

updated on August 16, 2017 -


The Village of Lake Delton has officially completed their inspections of Camp Delton Club. These inspections focused on two main areas:

  • Hurricane straps tie-downs for Campers.
  • Any potentially unsafe conditions

The village has prioritized the following areas of concern:

  • Improper use of cinder blocks beneath trailers
  • Unsafe electrical wiring i.e. wiring lacking compliance with local codes
  • Tie downs of park models and campers utilizing "hurricane straps."

As the village releases more information on compliancy, we will make these materials available at the lodge and post them on the website.

The village understands there will be exceptions. Exceptions will be determined by evaluating the merits of each individual case. Details on applying for an exception, will be posted on the website as they become available. Stay tuned!

Revised on September 25, 2016


Guest Site information

For 2021, the guest site fee will be $53.38. This includes all hook-ups (water, sewer, electric). All guest site reservations MUST be made on the web page.  Be sure to register early for holiday weekends! They fill fast!


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The Camp Delton Club, Inc.