Rules And Regulations

Articles of Incorporation, ByLaws, Rules & Regulations

Welcome to the Articles, Rules, Regulations and ByLaws page.

New member of the Camp Delton Club receives a copy of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations prior to closing on the sale of the membership. After this exchange is complete, new members then become responsible for knowing and adhering to the club policies and rules outlined therein.

If you need a new set of the Articles,  Rules or Bylaws, you may download them here.

If anyone wants a new set of documents and is unable to download them from this page - contact the office.


Articles of Incorporation

Camp Delton Club Articles of Incorporation are a set of formal documents filed with the state of Wisconsin under the Wisconsin Non-Stock Corporation Law (Chapter 181 of the Wisconsin Statutes) to legally document the creation of a corporation. They are the primary rules governing the management of the corporation. Articles of incorporation contain pertinent information such as the firm's name, street address and agent(s) for service of process.  There are many documents that govern the Camp Delton Club and its operation. The Articles of Incorporation set the precedence for the bylaws and the rules and regulation..

Camp Delton Club Articles of Incorporation can be reviewed by Clicking Here.

Revised on June 21, 2021, which included 3 Amendments that were submitted and accepted by the State of Wisconsin

 ByLaws                                                                                      ByLaws

There are many documents that govern the Camp Delton Club and its operation. The Articles of Incorporation set the precedence for the bylaws.

The Bylaws are the primary document of the Camp Delton Club, how it operates and the relation of the members. The Bylaws are provisions for regulating and managing the affairs of the Club. The Bylaws define the Club's purpose and specify its power and limitations. Basically, these are rules for the organization and protect the rights of the minority and absent members, but insures stability and continuity in the Club.

The Camp Delton Club Board and ByLaws committee review the bylaws on a regular basis and amends them as needed.

Camp Delton Club ByLaws can be reviewed by Clicking Here.

Revised on September 16th 2023.

Rules and Regulations

imagesU1DCWEGSIn an effort to preserve the natural beauty of the Camp Delton Club property, the following Rules and Regulations were adopted and restrictions imposed with respect to the use, development, and maintenance of the Club's common property, campsites and recreational facilities by the members. The restrictions may not be revoked or amended except:

  •       by a vote of 2/3 or more of the Board of Directors then in office i.e. 6 members
  •       by a majority vote of club members in good standings either at an annual meeting or at a meeting called for the purpose of amending these rules and regulations.

A proposed change in and /or addition to the rules and regulations shall be presented in writing to the Board of Directors thirty (30) days or one Board Meeting, whichever is shorter in time, prior to a vote on that proposal.

Current Camp Delton Club "Rules and Regulations" can be reviewed by Clicking Here.

Revised on September 16th 2023.


Common Rules your Guest need to know.....

For your stay with us to be enjoyable, here are a few things about the Club that are important for you to know. Please take the time to read them. All guests must register in the Lodge & obtain a hang tag for their vehicle.

This is not a complete list of rules. A complete list is available at the office.

1. The lodge is open from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. everyday, Entrance between 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. by gate card only.

2. The speed limit in the Camp is 10 MPH.


Pool notices and signs are posted around the pool and entrances. Violation of these rules will result in disciplinary action including and without limitation to the suspension of pool privileges and fines. The fines will be $100 and levied every 14 days up to a maximum of $500.00. When any violation occurs and results in a cost to the Club to empty and clean the pool, the member(s) will be held accountable for the cost. Members are accountable for their guests. (Rev 9/22/12)


b. No Food in pool area.  No beverages of any type is allowed within 3 feet of pool ledge.

c. The pool is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. No cut-offs or colored T-shirts allowed in the pool.

d. No children under the age of 14 yr. in the pool unless accompanied by an adult. An adult shall be considered to be 18 yr. of age or older.

e. Adult swim is from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. every day, including holiday weekends.

3. Fires must be attended at ALL times and completely out when you retire for the evening, or leave your campsite.

4. All pets MUST be on a leash at ALL times. You must pick up after you pet.

5. Children must be 10 yr. old or with someone 12 yr. old or older to be in the lodge.

6. Curfew in the Camp is 11 p.m. all children under the age of 18 yr. must be at their campsite by that time.

7. Quiet time is from 11 p.m. until 8 a.m.

8. You must be 16 yrs. of age and have a valid driver license to operate a moped.

9. No more than one recreational vehicle may be located in any campsite at one time.

10. One tent is allowed per site.

The lodge lower level is accessible 24 hours day, 7 days aweek from the side door near the Pavillion. This area may be used as a storm shelter in the event of bad weather.


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The Camp Delton Club, Inc.